Composable Animation

2 Parts:
3 Parts:
4 Parts:
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
1:30 pm
SVA Theatre

Design Systems have changed the way that developers and designers collaborate on fonts, colors, UI structure, forms and the like. So why does it feel like animation in a design system always falls short? The animation section usually lays dormant aside from a "fade", or we craft one-offs for a perfect experience, but each perfect experience becomes less perfect because they don't share the same language. In this talk, we'll break down exactly how to build animations so that they're composable, extendable, and can be used for a multitude of purchases, and still maintain cohesion. We'll talk about how animation in specific requires teams to work together because it's an intersection of design and development: it's harder to throw over a wall. We'll break down exactly how to make it all fit together, for the most seamless collaboration between you and your team.


Sketch Notes

Composable Animation

Artist: Natalya Shelburne